Develop a JavaFX + iOS app with RoboVM + e(fx)clipse tools in 10 minutes

The latest nightly builds include support to easily develop JavaFX applications that run on iOS with the help of RoboVM.

I’ve written a tutorial on our wiki and recorded a video how this is done.

All the pieces (JavaFX, RoboVm) are not yet in a shape to develop production ready applications it’s all more in a pre-alpha state but if you have time give it a shot. It’s really fun!

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4 Responses to Develop a JavaFX + iOS app with RoboVM + e(fx)clipse tools in 10 minutes

  1. Pingback: JavaFX links of the week, November 11 // JavaFX News, Demos and Insight // FX Experience

  2. Pingback: Java desktop links of the week, November 11 « Jonathan Giles

  3. Montechristos says:

    Thanks for the excellent tutorial in the wiki.
    One question: which JavaSE-1.8 are you using? Oracle or openjdk?

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