From StyledTextViewer to a StyledTextEditor with JavaFX8

The title already says what this is about

the internal code is a bit ugly and I’m using some brute force stuff to simply get it going, naturally there are missing features like selection, … . Next is to port more stuff from Eclipse-Text-Infrastructure and integrate with JDT once more.

The sourcecode is found at e(fx)clipse github repo

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12 Responses to From StyledTextViewer to a StyledTextEditor with JavaFX8

  1. Mircea says:

    Nice nice nice!

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  5. edubkendo says:

    Since, as I understand it, you are virtualizing much of the text and placing each line in a seperate TextFlow node, how are you managing line wrapping and resizing, if you don’t mind my asking? I’m planning to implement a control which does something similar, though I won’t need to edit source code, so it will be a bit simpler because I won’t need the syntax highlighting and whatnot. Thanks.

    • Tom Schindl says:

      The root-control can style ranges of code – everything like Syntax-Highlighting is implemented ontop of it. I’m not dealing with automatic line wraping because I’m splitting up the input source into lines each one getting represented by a ListCell. So why not simply reuseing my code or better improve its implementation – I know that at the moment the simple use case you present doesn’t work but the only reason for it is that I didn’t really care about it.

      All code is released under EPL.

  6. Pingback: Build an intelligent code editor with JavaFX and JDT | Tomsondev Blog

  7. Pingback: JavaFX: comparison of rich text components | NamekDev

  8. Nazm Ansari says:

    source code please. The git link you have provided is null.

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