Eclipse Democamp Season – JavaFX smart code editors (eg for Google Dart)

I once more could not resist but showed up at 3 Democamps (Vienna, Munich and Zürich) where I showed how you can reassemble the components from our compensator research to create a smart code editor for Google Dart with:
* Syntax highlighting
* Error reporting
* Auto completion

The slides from my talk are available at Slideshare

or if you prefer it as a PDF

If you’ve some time to spare and want to see me coding a smart editor for Google Dart in 15 Minutes you can watch the recording of the session in Vienna (the interesting part starts at around minute 15 of the video)

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2 Responses to Eclipse Democamp Season – JavaFX smart code editors (eg for Google Dart)

  1. Gagan says:

    Really nice work Tom..
    I am trying to develop a code editor with code completion and other functionalities using your code at GitHub

    I am getting this error in while building even though it is defined.
    The constructor DefaultSourceViewerConfiguration(StringInput, DartPresentationReconciler, DartProposalComputer, null, null) is undefined

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